Sylvia Turner Remembered

          Sylvia was our social chair for many years. We shall remember and miss her vibrant    personality and zest for life. Remembering a sailing sister who's spirit
will live on in her art, received by many of us during award ceremonies and as gifts, that now will be treasured.
           Cheers Sylvia, enjoy your new sailing adventures on calm waters.


I want to let you know that our dear BE forever social chair, Sylvia Turner passed away in  December at 91. Lot of you guys knew her and for those that did not, I am truly sorry. She was a hoot!
Sylvia was many things Nurse, a damn good tennis player, loved to sell FWSA 50/50 tickets A Fabulous Cook - Her dinner parties were well known.
An artist -few of you have pictures that she painted from an FWSA championship or interclub A sailor, she sailed a wooden pram with a little purple sail a party traveler (on our Mahjong cruises she never played, she was a bridge player).

A free spirit. Always bare footed, she loved sailing,  dancing, swimming All while nude! Sylvia was a good friend  and oh so much more Joy said to have a moment of silence but that is not our Sylvia Please raise a glass ( she loved a good drink) And let’s send her an old English cheer   
Hip Hip Hooray